Saturday, June 11, 2011

Perfection: What is it?

We all crave for it and would want to be perfect; but what actually is perfection or for that matter being perfect.

The notion of being perfect had the sense of invincibility attached to it in olden days; people who were intrepid, and gallantly fought many a battles and won them with ease. That was when man was nomadic and barbaric, hunted for food and still did not master the power of fire, wheel and in general did not nurture the power of science.

As has art, even the notion of perfection has evolved over time. Art, few might say changed with regard to the perceptions of the society but I feel it has degraded over time. The age of renaissance, people admired the complexity of any painting; be it the Mona Lisa or the virtuoso man of Da Vinci or other painters like Rafael, Donatello, Giorgio Bellini, Michelangelo and many others. At present we try to find a meaning in a painting, which obviously doesn't depict anything much in the name of modern art or demean our own deities in paintings in the name of secularism and open society.

For mathematicians, perfection meant accuracy and precision, for art it meant flawlessness. At this point, I remember a concept called "Perfect Number" in maths, a number is said to be perfect if the sum of all its divisors is equal to the number. The 1st perfect number is 1+2+3 = 6. I stated this to say that we, the people are so obsessed with numbers and values associated with everything that we want to be measured perfect.
It is just numerical; our life is just filled with some idiotic numbers. Nadia Comaneci, The perfect 10 Lady is remembered not for being Romanian or a great Olympic gymnast. She is just remembered for scoring all 10.0 in uneven bars. Our obsession for statistics has indeed ruined the way we learnt to live.

People have become anorexic as they want to have a size-zero figures like their role models. People want to build bodies and resort to artificial protein supplements and drugs like steroids. I want to be an IITian, IIM grad or an IAS officer. All have some goals that if achieved would lead to perfection.

We have our own predefined notions of perfection and have our own role models who themselves are imperfect. We cognitively, in search of perfection have taken a path that leads us to further imperfection. But we are all in a mode of denial and live our lives happily or assume that we are living happily.

So what can be called perfection, can someone be perfect. Well, it is something that cannot be answered by a mere mortal like me, but I can say that there is someone who is perfect and he is known as God to the world. But we can try to be human and be as godly as possible by caring for the society, environment and thinking of the society and putting your own country ahead of you. It needs us to be altruistic, philanthropic to the extent possible and helping everyone around in all possible ways rather than liking a few videos on facebook.
I hope people would want to be perfect in real. Hope to see all of us trying to build a brighter future for everyone around. That is what I would call perfection…


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